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PIE # 49- Stem cells: A way of safely replacing a blood and immune system

(20.02.2010) Agnieszka Czechowicz


Diabetes, leukemia, heart disease, and parkinsons- what do these diseases have in common? They all could potentially be cured by stem cells.

Stem cells have the remarkable ability to generate any cell type of the body. However, they are highly controversial. Californians have been strong proponents of stem cell technology and with the passing of proposition 71 in 2004, have dedicated $3 billion to stem cell research which has led to significant advances in the field. Come learn about what stem cells are, why they are controversial, how they are used, and how they may change the face of medicine. Talk will include a basic overview as well as go into detail regarding bone marrow transplantation. See how your tax dollars are at work.

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