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PIE # 47 - Naturalne i antropogeniczne przyczyny zmian klimatu

(12.12.2009) Szymon Malinowski


Na temat globalnego ocieplenia powstało mnóstwo "mitów", tzw. "urban legends", powtarzanych w prasie, radiu i telewizji. Wiele z nich wynika z braku zrozumienia podstawowych wlasności fizycznych systemu klimatycznego. Celem wykladu będzie pokazanie Państwu, jak problem globalnego ocieplenia wygląda z punktu widzenia podstawowych praw fizyki.


PIE # 46 - Wine, wine tasting and sommeliering

(14.11.2009) Krzysztof Appelt


Wino jest napojem od zarania wieków opisywanym w literaturze pieknej, dzielach historycznych, religijnych i naukowych. Pierwsze hodowle wina zostaly zlokalizowane w dzisiejszej Gruzji tysiace lat temu i szturmem zdobyly Bliski Wschód i rejon Morza Srodziemnego.


PIE # 45 - Buddhism: Tools for living

(17.10.2009) Sentha Sivabalan


Buddhism is an ancient religion that has generated a great deal of interest in the West during the last few decades. One aspect of the appeal is its very exoticness. Another aspect is the rational appeal of its philosophy exemplified by Buddha’s Socratic approach to teaching. Yet another aspect is the practice of meditation that brings inner and outer peace.


PIE # 44 -Russian lyrical songs: some history and cultural comments

(19.09.2009) Olga Dumer


Russian romantic songs are a beloved and very popular genre of many music lovers around the world. From YouTube listings alone, it’s obvious that their beauty is appreciated by the audience who has never been to Russia and does not know a word of Russian.


PIE # 42 - Incredible India - the country of contradictions

(16.05.2009) Anju Kapoor


India is a centuries old civilization with over a billion people who are now living in democratic setup.


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